Case Description:
This is a 51 y.o. male 5’7 ” and 185 lb who underwent male breast reductions surgery for adult gynecomastia. He is seen 2 months after surgery.
Case Description:
This is a 17 y.o. male 5’11” and 195 lb who underwent male breast reductions surgery for adolescent gynecomastia. He is seen 4 months after surgery.
Note the great contraction of young skin and how the areola size has reduced to a darker pigment. The is due to the areola pigment becoming more concentrated.
Case Description:
Moraga, California – This is a 16 year old male who presents with adolescent gynecomastia and presents to the San Francisco office for gland excision and liposuction. He has had an enlarged chest for approximately three years and never takes off his shirt. He wears sweat shirts all day to cover up his chest. His father has the same condition as well. His goal is to be more comfortable with his chest and to be able to take off his shirt in public. He underwent gland excision and liposuction of his chest. He had 74 grams of breast tissue removed from his right chest and 78 grams of breast tissue removed from his left chest. In addition he had 100 cc. of fat liposuctioned from his right chest and 200 cc. of fat removed from his left side. He had a normal post operative course. His photographs are seen approximately two months after surgery.
Case Description:
This 42-year-old man is 6′ and 170lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest. His goal was to “look better.
Case Description:
This is a 19 year old male who has adolescent gynecomastia compounded by “fluffy nipples”. His surgical goal was to flatten the nipple area and achieve a more masculine chest area. His surgery included suction assisted liposuction with glandular excision. The nipple area flattened nicely post-recovery.
Case Description:
HISTORY: This is a 68-year-old resident of Sausalito, California who presents to the Novato office in Marin County for evaluation of his gynecomastia. Due to his age and the laxity of tissue he underwent a superior breast skin lift and gland excision with chest liposuction. His primary goal is to feel better in clothes and since he is a yachts goer, would like to be able to feel comfortable without a shirt. He underwent gland excision and suction assisted lipectomy with a superior breast skin lift as well as liposuction of the axilla. His surgery was performed at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. He had 350 cc of fat extracted from each axilla as well as 500 cc of fat excised from each chest. He had 66 grams of breast tissue removed from his right side and 103 grams of breast tissue removed from his left side. His photographs were taken about four months after surgery.
Case Description:
This is a 24 y.o. male 5′ 10″ and 170 lb who underwent male breast reduction surgery for adolescent gynecomastia. He is seen 2 months after surgery.
Case Description:
This 36-year-old man is 6′ and 218lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia which has caused him severe embarrassment over the years. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy, from which I removed a total of 700cc of fat from the right side of the chest and 400cc from the left. I also excised a total of 16 grams of glandular tissue from the right and 38 grams from the left. His goal was to achieve the “best possible” result.
Case Description:
This is a 45 y.o. male 5′ 10″ and 1 90lb who underwent male breast reductions surgery for adult gynecomastia. He is seen 6weeks after surgery.
Case Description:
This 38-year-old man is 6’4″ and 270lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia in addition to von Willebrand’s disease, a bleeding disorder. With the appropriate drugs to enhance his clotting ability, he was able to proceed with surgery. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest, from which I extracted 400cc of fat bilaterally.
Case Description:
This 45 year old man has a severe case of adult gynecomastia. His case is complicated by loose and stretched skin. A secondary procedure is required to tighten the stretched skin. His goal is to be able to wear a t-shirt in public comfortably.
Case Description:
Selma, California – This is a 32 year old male who presents for revision gynecomastia. He initially developed adolescent gynecomastia and underwent liposuction of his left side and gland excision of his left side. The patient presented to the San Francisco, California office due to him not being satisfied with the primary surgery. He is 5 feet 11 inches, 220 pounds. He underwent gland excision and suction assisted lipectomy at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Novato, California. He had 24 grams of breast tissue removed from his right chest and 83 grams of breast tissue removed from his left chest. In addition he had 550 cc. of fat removed from the armpit region which is done when the patient is turned on their side. He also had a total of 250 cc. of fat removed from his chest. His post operative course was uneventful. His photographs are seen approximately one year after surgery.
Case Description:
This is a 22 y.o. male 5’6″ and 133 lb who underwent male breast reduction surgery for adolescent gynecomastia. He is seen 3 months after surgery.
Case Description:
This 38-year-old man suffers from adolescent gynecomastia, and is able to expose his chest fairly comfortably. He underwent glandular excision and ultrasonic liposuction, from which I removed a total of 575cc of fat bilaterally. His goal was to “have a smoother contour” to his chest.
Case Description:
This is a 51-year-old male with adolescent gynecomastia who presents for male breast reduction surgery. He underwent surgery at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Novato, California, for gland excision and suction-assisted lipectomy. He had previous gynecomastia surgery in 2010 where he had liposuction only. His goal is to obtain a flatter contour of his chest. His photographs are seen approximately six weeks after surgery.
Case Description:
30 year old male who has gynecomastia due to his medication history. His hest has gradually enlarged with his medication use.
Case Description:
This is a 28 y.o. male 5’9 ” and 187 lb who underwent male breast reduction surgery for steroid-induced gynecomastia. He is seen 2 months after surgery.
Note the skin is still healing and swelling is still present from the aggressive removal.
Case Description:
This is a 26 y.o. male 6’0″ and 175 lb who underwent male breast reductions surgery for adolescent gynecomastia. He is seen 2 months after surgery.
Please be respectful of the men and their pictures posted here. It took a great deal of courage for them to take these pictures, let alone have them posted for the world to see. We are grateful to them and believe that it is a gift to the thousands of men that think they are the only one with this condition. Thank you
Click on any of the thumbnails to view larger versions of the pictures.