Working Out After Gynecomastia Surgery

For some men, getting back to exercise after surgery is an essential part of their overall lifestyle. However, as with any surgery, the body needs time to heal from the surgical trauma of male breast reduction surgery. While quickly returning to your regular workout routine may seem harmless, it can lead to complications that slow recovery.

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Medical Author: Miguel Delgado, M.D.
Dr. Miguel DelgadoDr. Delgado is a highly skilled surgeon specializing in gynecomastia surgery. Dr. Delgado has committed a significant amount of his practice to the care and education of men and boys with gynecomastia. Dr. Delgado’s practice philosophy is to provide the highest quality of patient care to the people who seek out his professional services. Dr. Delgado and his staff are committed to understanding their patients' concerns, educating them on their options, and executing the best surgical outcome for each patient. Dr. Delgado is the new owner of since 2010. He has dedicated a significant part of his life and practice to improving the community.




Gynecomastia Post-Surgery workout


Male Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

While previous post-surgery requirements dictated six weeks of downtime, newer surgical methods and advanced techniques allow people who undergo gynecomastia surgery to get back on their feet faster. Studies have found that returning to a regular workout routine, as opposed to just lounging around, can positively impact healing.

Just remember, be gentle with your body. The return to exercise and your daily workout routine should be a slow, gradual process to keep the risk of complications low and maximize your surgery’s success. Gynecomastia surgeons each have their own recommended back-to-exercise timetable, but the following is generally accepted safe protocol.

5 Tips to Guide you in Getting Back to Exercise

  • Follow your physician’s instructions regarding compression or protective garments. Wearing them for the suggested period promotes comfort and healing.
  • For a month following gynecomastia surgery, avoid chest and arm exercises or any other strenuous exercise that strains the treatment area. Be patient; you’ll get back to your regular workout routine quickly.
  • Don’t push yourself. If your body is in pain, listen to it and stop that activity.
  • If you notice an abnormal amount of discomfort, aching, unusual pain, or redness, call your surgeon immediately.
  • Keep a log of questions along your workout journey to ask the surgeon at your next visit. The best ideas for post-operative care and recovery are delivered by your doctor, not a friend or workout partner. 

First Week after Male Reduction Surgery

In the first week of recovery, you should relax and avoid activities that raise your blood pressure, as hematoma formation is a risk during this period. These are some suggestions for activities you can safely do during the first week:

  • Browse the internet
  • Watch your favorite shows
  • Read a good book or two
  • Make light walking your routine
  • Shower, starting two days after gynecomastia surgery
  • Wear your garment, day and night

Second Week after Male Reduction Surgery

The previous week may have been a little boring with all the downtime, but don’t rush to resume exercise like you’re used to. Start gradually, with cardiovascular activities like walking or speed walking on a treadmill. It’s too soon to run, but establishing a good stretching routine now will be beneficial for next week’s workouts. Light hand weights can be introduced toward the end of the week, but be gentle. You should avoid exercising the surgical area to prevent scarring and promote optimal healing.


Third Week after Male Breast Tissue Reduction Surgery

By the third week, it can finally be time to start lifting again! But start with light weights and keep your garment on while you lift. Each day, increase your reps and eventually switch to machines once your surgeon allows you and you feel comfortable doing so. Remember to steer clear of the chest region while exercising. You’re still healing, and it’s important not to irritate the surgical site.

Fourth Week after Male Breast Reduction Surgery

When the fourth week is over, your body will be almost back to normal at the surgical site, so by this point, you can start to gradually increase your exercise regimen. By now, it’s safe to increase weights for body parts aside from the chest and increase your cardiovascular training.

One Month Post-Surgery

Finally, it’s time to pick up where you left off! Full body training can once again be a normal part of your routine. However, your body is still healing, and you’re still technically in the recovery phase, so gradually increase the weight and level of training over the weeks to come.

At about six weeks post-op, you’ll be close to where you were before gynecomastia surgery. During the recovery process, listen carefully to your body. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t push yourself. Discomfort, swelling, redness, or infection at the operative site is a good reason to contact your gynecomastia surgeon before things get worse. Above all, be patient with yourself as your body heals, and you regain your confidence and pre-operative training level!


The benefits of a good gynecomastia surgery postop routine
American society of Plastic Surgery: Plastic


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