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Can exercise eliminate gynecomastia?
Perhaps the most common misconception about gynecomastia is that diet and exercise can resolve the problem. Many men with gynecomastia do have excess fat around the breast gland, which can make the condition more prominent. However, while exercise can help burn fat, it cannot address the underlying cause of gynecomastia: excess glandular tissue. That being said, you can improve the appearance of your chest with exercise and diet, even if you can’t eliminate the breast gland.
Exercises to Help Reduce the Appearance of Gynecomastia
Exercise can help minimize the appearance of existing gynecomastia. If you are out of shape, you should start with low-impact exercises. As you increase your endurance and lose overall body weight, you can move on to more challenging, targeted activities.
- Daily Cardio Routine. To lose body fat, add a cardio routine. Cardio exercises that work the upper body will increase the tone and size of the chest muscles. Rowing, for example, works the arms, chest, and back and builds endurance. If you need to begin with a low impact workout, swimming can also provide excellent benefits. The major benefit of cardiovascular exercise is that it burns fat. It does not target fat burning of the chest in particular, but rather promotes fat loss over the entire body. Fat burning exercises can help reduce chest volume.
- Interval Training. To maximize your workout, consider interval training. With this type of training, you alternate short, intense exercise with relief periods. For example, you might sprint for 30 seconds and then recover by jogging or walking. Interval training burns more significant amounts of fat and will make your efforts to lose chest fat more efficient.
- Push-Ups. Strengthen and tighten the pectoral muscles in your upper body with push-ups. As you improve your performance, you can add resistance by placing a weight between your shoulder blades. A trainer or spotter can put the weight on your back and make sure you are using good form. The great thing about push-ups is that they target the pectoralis muscle, which gives definition and contour to the chest.
- Weights. Weight training can tone and sculpt the chest muscles. An incline press with dumbbells provides a very efficient and targeted workout of the chest muscles. Sit on an incline bench so that your back is at a 45-degree angle to the ground. Hold a pair of dumbbells, press them towards the ceiling, and return them to your starting position. You can also lower your hands to your side and bring them back together again. Be sure to keep your back flat (no arching).
Fat-burning and muscle-building exercises should be done together for the best results. If you work on increasing muscle mass without body fat reduction, then the more developed muscle pushes the breast and fatty tissue out further, which in many cases defeats the purpose.
Do Diet and Nutrition Help?
Absolutely! Gynecomastia nutrition is a critical step in improving the appearance of gynecomastia. The goal of a targeted gynecomastia diet is to add foods that increase testosterone and reduce estrogen. So, combining cardiovascular exercise, muscle enhancement, and gynecomastia nutrition will provide maximum benefits.
What if Exercise Does Not Help to Reshape My Chest?
When a consistent workout routine does not significantly improve your chest appearance to your satisfaction, you may consider consulting a plastic surgeon who specializes in gynecomastia surgery.
FAQs about Gynecomastia Exercise
Can exercise get rid of gynecomastia?
Diet and exercise can eliminate fat from the chest, and some people may assume this will eliminate gynecomastia. However, breast tissue does not respond to diet and exercise, since gynecomastia is a medical condition and not just the result of being out of shape.
Do some exercises combine fat burning cardiovascular techniques and also target the chest muscles?
Rowing is a great exercise to achieve both of these goals. Swimming is another fat burning, muscle building exercise.
Is it best to just work out the chest?
No, you should combine fat burning exercises with muscle toning or building to achieve the best outcome.
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