Lathrop, California: This is a 28-year-old male who presents to the San Francisco office with steroid induced gynecomastia. He has undergone cycles of steroids back in 2008. He noted a slow increase in nipple projection and size of his chest. He stopped the steroid usage but the gynecomastia did not resolve. He presents for gynecomastia breast gland excision and liposuction. He is 5’9″, 185 pounds. He had 45 grams removed from his right side and 43 grams removed from his left side as well as approximately 200 cc of fat removed from each side. His photographs are seen approximately 6 weeks after surgery. He gynecomastia treatment was performed in Marin County California at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Novato, California. Dr. Miguel A. Delgado is a well-known gynecomastia specialist who treats patients with gynecomastia throughout the United States of America and around the world. He has produced many documentaries regarding gynecomastia that have become very popular on YouTube - . His gynecomastia practice is centered in the California area and he treats many patients from the San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and San Diego areas, aswell as Nevada and Utah. Dr. Delgado’s practice has many gynecomastia male breast revisions, which is a testament to his skill and experience.