San Francisco, California – This is a 24 year old male who presents with gynecomastia. His gynecomastia developed during his adolescent years. It became more obvious in his early 20’s and may have been due to some steroid use or marijuana use. His goal is to obtain removal of the fat that makes his nipples appear extremely large and to flatten his chest. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds. He had his surgery performed at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Novato, California. He had 10 grams of breast tissue removed from his right chest and 10 grams of tissue removed from his left chest. He also had a small amount of liposuction performed. He had the pull-through procedure performed through a small incision with all gland removed and fat flaps rotated superior and inferior for a nice smooth contour. He had an uneventful post op course. His photographs are seen approximately four months after surgery.

Dr. Delgado Bio


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.