Rohnert Park, California – This is a 24 year old male who presented to the Novato, California office for evaluation of his gynecomastia. He had breast enlargement since adolescence as well as having weight fluctuations as high as 300 pounds. His goal is to have a normal looking chest and to be able to wear tank tops and tight fitting shirts. He is 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 255 pounds. His surgery was performed at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. He had 107 grams of breast tissue removed from his right chest and 101 grams of breast tissue removed from his left chest. In addition he had 750 cc. of fat and aspirate removed from both his right and left chest. He had an uneventful post op recovery. He underwent one steroid injection on his left side. His photographs are seen at 2 months after surgery.