Patient 6714

This 29-year-old man is 6’3″ and 205lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia,. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy, from which I extracted a total of approximately 200cc of fat from each side. His goal was “to look normal.”

Patient 3458

This is a 19 year old male who has adolescent gynecomastia compounded by “fluffy nipples”. His surgical goal was to flatten the nipple area and achieve a more masculine chest area. His surgery included suction assisted liposuction with glandular excision. The nipple area flattened nicely post-recovery.

Patient 5106

This 26-year-old man suffers from adolescent gynecomastia. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest, with a total fat extraction of 500cc from the right side and 450cc from the left. Total glandular tissue removed was 17 grams from the right side and 14 grams from the left.

Patient 7953

This 26-year-old man suffers from adolescent gynecomastia, and prior to surgery felt very uncomfortable taking his shirt off in public. He underwent glandular excision and ultrasonic liposuction of the chest, from which I removed a total of 350cc of fat from the left and 400cc from the right.