by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
San Jose, California – This is a 30 year old man with adolescent gynecomastia and presents to the San Francisco office for male breast reduction treatment. His goal is to get rid of his puffy nipples. He underwent gland excision and liposuction at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. We removed 27 grams of breast tissue from the right chest and 21 grams of tissue from the left. He had an uneventful post op course and his pictures are seen four weeks after surgery.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
Sacramento, California – This is a 50 year old male who presents with adolescent gynecomastia and states that after taking Lipitor he saw a significant increase in the bulk of his chest. He presents for gland excision and liposuction at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. He is 6 feet 2 inches, 188 pounds. He had 61 grams of breast tissue removed from his right chest and 52 grams of breast tissue removed from his left chest. He also had 400 cc. of fat removed from each side of his chest as well. He had a normal post operative course. His photographs are taken approximately 4 months after surgery.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
Alberta, Canada – This is a 33 year old young man from Canada. I operated on his brother as well. He presents for gland excision and liposuction of his chest in addition to liposuction of his axilla or arm pit region. He underwent gland excision and liposuction at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center. He is 5 feet 10 inches, 190 pounds. He had 53 grams of breast tissue removed from his right chest and 46 grams of breast tissue removed from his left chest. In addition he had 750 cc. of fat removed under each armpit and 250 cc. of fat removed from each side of his chest. He had an uneventful recovery with some minor wound healing issues. His photographs are seen about 10 days after surgery.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
Stockton, California – This is a 41 year old male who presents with adolescent gynecomastia for gland excision and suction assisted lipectomy. He is 5 feet 8 inches and weighs 145 pounds. He underwent gland excision and liposuction at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center. He had a section of tissue excised from his right chest 6 X 5 X 1.5 cm. in size and on his left chest 6 X 4 X 1.5 cm. in size. In addition, he had approximately 50-100 cc. of fat extracted from each side. His post operative course was uneventful except for a steroid shot in one of the scars. His photographs are seen at 4 months after surgery.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
Burlingame, California – This is a 35 year old male who presents with steroid induced gynecomastia and presents for gland excision and liposuction. He does not take off his shirt due to the fullness in his chest. He does have some intermittent pain and would like to have a flat chest. He underwent gland excision at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Novato, California. He had 22 grams of breast tissue removed from his right chest and 31 grams of breast tissue removed from his left chest. He also had extraction of 550 cc. of fat and aspirate from his right chest and 650 cc. of fat and aspirate from his left chest. He had an uneventful post operative course. His photographs are seen at four weeks after surgery. Of note, he was interested in having the gland removed completely and therefore we did total gland excision and fat flap closure to alleviate a crater deformity.