by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
Sacramento, California : This is an 18-year-old man with fairly significant gynecomastia who presents to the San Francisco, California office for gland excision and liposuction. He developed his adolescent gynecomastia at the age of 13 years old. He has undergone hormonal testing that is normal. His goal is to just have a normal natural appearing chest. He underwent gynecomastia breast gland excision and liposuction and the removal of a 6 x 5 x 3 cm tissue on his right and 6 x 5 x 3 cm tissue on his left. In addition he had a superior incision for a crescent areola lift for superior advancement of the areola tissue. The goal is to eradicate or reduce the lower breast fold. His surgery for his adolescent gynecomastia was performed in Marin County, California at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Novato, California. Dr. Miguel A. Delgado who is a well-known gynecomastia surgical expert throughout the United States. He sees patients from the entire United States and throughout the world He has produced many documentaries regarding gynecomastia that have become very popular on YouTube - . Dr. Delgado sees patients from the entire California west coast including San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco and other California areas. He frequently sees patients from adjoining states including Washington State and Oregon.Dr Delgado treats many patients for gynecomastia revision surgery which is a testament to his skill and experience.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
San Francisco, California: This is a 37-year-old male who presents to the Novato office in California for gynecomastia and presents for gynecomastia gland excision and liposuction. He underwent gland excision and suction assisted lipectomy and had 21 grams removed from his right chest and 16 grams removed from his left. His primary goal is to have a natural looking chest. His surgery was performed at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Novato, California. Dr. Miguel A. Delgado is a renowned gynecomastia surgical specialist who treats patients throughout the United States including and throughout the world. He has produced many documentaries regarding gynecomastia that have become very popular on YouTube - . Dr. Delgado treats many patients throughout the California area including Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, and other California areas. He performs many revision gynecomastia surgeries, which is a large part of his gynecomastia practice.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
San Diego, California: This is a 24-year-old male who has undergone gynecomastia surgery twice in the past and presents to Dr. Delgado’s office in San Francisco, California for his 3rd revision procedure. He initially had liposuction in 2007 and then later in 2007 had excision of the gynecomastia breast glandular tissue. He is still not happy with his outcome and presents for revision male breast reduction surgery. He has had his gynecomastia since his early teenage years and has been quite insecure with his chest. His goal is to be more comfortable with himself and have the nipples to be less protruding. He underwent breast glandular excision and liposuction of hischest. Dr. Delgado removed 30 grams from his right chest and 42 grams from his left chest. His gynecomastia surgical procedure was performed in Marin County California at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Novato, California. Dr. Delgado is an accomplished gynecomastia expert who performs gynecomastia treatment for men all over the United States and the world. His gynecomastia surgical practice is centered in northern California but treats many patients from Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Jose and other California areas. He frequently sees patients from Washington and Oregon states and many from the Midwest. He has produced many documentaries regarding gynecomastia that have become very popular on YouTube - . Dr. Delgado treats many patients for gynecomastia revision surgery which is a testament to his skill and experience.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
San Francisco, California – This is a 54 year old male who is 5 feet 8 inches, 165 pounds, who had a 100 pound weight loss over 12-month. He presents to the office for evaluation and treatment of his male breast enlargement. He never takes off his shirt in public due to the size of his male breast and is uncomfortable wearing tight fitting clothing. His goal is to be able to take off his shirt in public and not be conscious of his appearance. He would like to wear tighter fitting garments. He underwent surgery at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin, California. He had gland excision and liposuction of his chest as well as liposuction of his axilla and a superior crescent breast lifts. He had 99 grams of tissue removed from his right side and 96 grams of breast gland removed from his left side. He had an uneventful recovery and his photographs are seen approximately three months after surgery.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
Davis, California – This is a 24 year old male who presents to the Marin County, California office for gland excision and suction assisted lipectomy of his chest. He has had male breasts since about 12 years old, thus adolescent gynecomastia. This may have been complicated by heavy marijuana use. He does take off his shirt at the beach and swimming pools but is very uncomfortable doing so. His goal is to decrease the puffiness of his nipples. He underwent a gland excision and suction assisted lipectomy of the chest at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. He had 44 grams of tissue removed from his right side and 30 grams of tissue removed from his left. His photographs are seen about six weeks after surgery.