by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This young man is 17 years old, 5’6″ and 140lbs. He has had gynecomastia since sixth grade, having dealt with years of teasing at school. As a result, his self-confidence suffered greatly, and prior to surgery he never took off his shirt in front of others. His primary concern was to “reduce the nipple protrusion.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 47-year-old man has had severe gynecomastia since he was 17. Prior to surgery, he never took off his shirt in public due to the appearance of his chest. Due to the severity of his case, he was advised at the consultation that a secondary procedure would be required. He may undergo this in the future.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 33-year-old man has dealt with gynecomastia since adolescence. He underwent a combination of glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of his flanks and abdomen. For his chest, I extracted 700cc of fat from the right and 400cc from the left. I also excised 27 grams of glandular tissue from the right and 27 grams from the left.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 24-year-old man is 6′ and 155lbs. He developed gynecomastia at the age of thirteen years old, and prior to surgery never took off his shirt in public. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest, hoping to achieve “a good contour.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 30-year-old man is 5’6″ and 175lbs. He has dealt with gynecomastia since adolescence. I performed glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy, extracting a total of 800cc of fat from his chest. His desired goal was simply to “look better.