Patient 8785

31 year old male with adolescent gynecomastia. He underwent surgery two years ago with anther surgeon and was not happy with his final results. He requested a secondary procedure to be performed by Dr. Delgado to correct the fullness in his chest and to improve his original liposuction scars.

Patient 2730

16 year old with adolescent gynecomastia who suffers from serious emotional and social issues due to his physical presentation. He underwent suction assisted liposuction with glandular excision. It is important to note that no skin was removed, but the resulting skin contraction is tremendous. He could benefit from a slight lift on the right side to secure the best possible result.

Patient 4021

This patient is a 45-year-old male who presents with grade 3 gynecomastia. He had a free nipple double incision mastectomy (skin excision and nipple repositioning). Photos are taken approximately two months after surgery. Unfortunately, the incisions have not started to fade.

Patient 2682

This is a 19 y.o. male 5′ 9″ and 145 lb who underwent male breast reduction surgery for adolescent gynecomastia. He is seen 2 months after surgery.