Patient 6580

This 22-year-old man is 6′ and160lbs, suffering from adolescent gynecomastia. Prior to surgery, he was never able to comfortably expose his chest due to extreme embarrassment. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy. His goal was “to have a normal-looking chest.”

Patient 3052

This 22-year-old man is 6′ and 195lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia, and prior to surgery never exposed his chest. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest, from which I extracted a total of 450cc of fat from the right side and 300cc from the left. I also excised a total of 40 grams of glandular tissues from the right and 51 grams from the left. His goal was to achieve “practical expectations.”

Patient 6333

This 22-year-old man is 5’8″ and 165lbs. He initially had gynecomastia surgery done twice with other surgeons, but was unhappy with the results. I performed a revision procedure on him, consisting of glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest, from which I extracted a total of 400cc of fat from the right side and 300cc from the left. His goal was “to be flat.”

Patient 2608

This 21-year-old man is 6’2″ and 205lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia, because of which he is very embarrassed and self-conscious of his chest. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of his chest, from which I excised 44 grams of glandular tissue from the right and 48 grams from the left. His goal was to have “less chest protrusion.” This is a early post-operative photo and bruising is still present.

Patient 2672

This 20-year-old young man is 6’2″ and 215lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia, and prior to surgery had difficulty exposing his chest in public. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest. His goal was “to have a normal, flat chest.”