Patient 4830

This 40-year-old man suffers from adolescent gynecomastia, which has caused him to be extremely introverted due to significant embarrassment of his chest. He underwent glandular excision, liposuction of the chest and axillae, and a superior lift. I removed a total of 250cc of fat from the right side of his chest and 300cc from the left side. His goal was to be “flat-chested and look better in shirts.”

Patient 8999

This 40-year-old man is 6’3″ and 205lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest. His goal was “to be able to expose my chest.”

Patient 9662

This 38-year-old mans suffers from adolescent gynecomastia, and would never take off his shirt in public. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest, abdomen and flanks, from which I removed a total of 3700cc of fat from both sides of the chest. I also excised 55 grams of glandular tissue from the right and 44 grams from the left. His goal was to “have a normal-looking chest and go shirtless in public feeling self-confident.”

Patient 3659

This 38-year-old man suffers from adolescent gynecomastia, and is able to expose his chest fairly comfortably. He underwent glandular excision and ultrasonic liposuction, from which I removed a total of 575cc of fat bilaterally. His goal was to “have a smoother contour” to his chest.

Patient 5257

This 38-year-old man is 5’10” and 155 pounds. He initially had gynecomastia surgery done twice between 1999 and 1991 by another surgeon, but was displeased with the outcome. I performed a revision procedure on him, consisting of glandular excision and ultrasonic liposuction of the chest and abdominal areas. I excised a total of 650cc of glandular tissue bilaterally form his chest. His goal was to achieve “total masculinity of the chest area.”