by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This is a 19-year-old resident of St. Louis, Missouri who presented to the San Francisco office at Union Square for evaluation for gynecomastia. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 185 pounds. His complaint is the puffy nipples, which causes him severe embarrassment. He underwent gland excision and suction-assisted lipectomy at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. He underwent excision of 5 centimeters of tissue from his right side and 5 centimeters from his left. In addition, he had 125 cc of fat extracted from his right side and 150 from his left. The photographs are taken eight days after surgery since he is from St. Louis.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This is a 32-year-old resident of Tampa Bay, Florida who presented to the San Francisco office for evaluation for revision gynecomastia surgery. His primary procedure was performed in 1998 and due to the continued fullness in the area, he presented to my office for further evaluation and treatment. He underwent gland excision and suction-assisted lipectomy at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. He had 25 grams removed from his right side and 21 grams removed from his left. These photographs were taken six months after surgery. Note the fullness in his chest due to a very developed pectoralis, or chest muscle.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This is a 38-year-old resident of Oakland, California who presented to the San Francisco office at Union Square for evaluation for gynecomastia. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 214 pounds. He has had previous gynecomastia surgery in year 2000 with liposuction only. He is not happy with the outcome and, therefore, presented to my office for further evaluation. His goal is to be able to wear a T-shirt and feel comfortable. He underwent gland excision and suction-assisted lipectomy at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. He had 49 grams removed from his right side and 44 grams removed from his left. In addition, he had 600 cc of fat liposuctioned from his right side and 500 cc from his left. These photographs are seen six months after surgery. Note this is a common reason for revisional surgery, in which patients have liposuction only as their treatment. Thirty to thirty-five percent of my practice is redo surgery from other physician practices and the primary reason is due to liposuction only. This does not remove the glandular tissue.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This is an 18 year old male who presents with adolescent gynecomastia. He complained about having “fluffy nipples”. His goal was to flatten the nipples to look more natural in his clothing. He had suction assisted liposuction with glandular excision. His post surgical recovery displays his newly flattened nipples.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This is a 63-year-old resident of New Hampshire who presented to the San Francisco office at Union Square for evaluation for gynecomastia. He developed his gynecomastia at a young age, but over the years it has become progressively worse. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 155 pounds. He never takes off his shirt due to the extreme amount of embarrassment. He underwent gland excision with a superior incisional lift and liposuction of his chest. He had 6 centimeters of tissue removed and sent to Pathology from his right side and 6 centimeters from his left side. He had 150 cc of fat liposuctioned from each side. His surgical procedure was performed at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. Note the overall improvement in his chest contour. This is a very complicated case. Due to his age being 63 years old, his skin is loose with less elasticity and contractility as well as sun damage to the area. This is, overall, a good outcome that can be improved by further peri-areolar lift for tightening of his skin.