Patient 2946

19 year old male who suffers from adolescent gynecomastia that make if difficult for him to participate in his sports activities. He is tired of wearing baggy clothes and feeling insecure at school. His procedure included suction assisted liposuction and glandular excision.

Patient 3750

30 year old male who has gynecomastia due to his medication history. His hest has gradually enlarged with his medication use.

Patient 6007

This 40 year old male complained about wanting to feel more comfortable going shirtless in public. His pseudo-gynecomastia developed later in life due to weight gain. He had suction assisted liposuction with glandular excision. In cases like this, Dr. Delgado tends to excise the heavier fiber-fatty tissue to get a better, more appealing contour.

Patient 7038

This 48-year-old man is 6′ and 235lbs. He has had gynecomastia since adolescence and prior to surgery would never expose his bare chest in public. He underwent glandular excision of the chest, supplemented with axillary liposuction. The possible need for a secondary lift was discussed during consultation. The left side requires a peri-areola lift for skin excision and elevation of the nipple areola complex.