by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 26-year-old man was 300 pounds overweight as a child, and as a result developed adolescent gynecomastia. He underwent gynecomastia surgery initially in 1994 with another surgeon, consisting solely of liposuction of the chest. Dissatisfied with his initial results, he came to me for a secondary procedure. I performed a revision surgery on him, consisting of glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy, from which I removed a total of 850cc of fat bilaterally.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 35 year old gentleman wanted to slim down for summer and get rid of his “protruding” nipples. He added liposuction of the abdomen and flanks to his gynecomastia with included a glandular excision. The final result provided him with the confidence to enjoy summer.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 38-year-old man is 6’4″ and 270lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia in addition to von Willebrand’s disease, a bleeding disorder. With the appropriate drugs to enhance his clotting ability, he was able to proceed with surgery. He underwent glandular excision and suction-assisted lipectomy of the chest, from which I extracted 400cc of fat bilaterally.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 24-year-old man is 5’10” and 200lbs. He suffers from adolescent gynecomastia. He underwent glandular excision and ultrasonic liposuction of his chest and axillae. I removed a total of 850cc of fat from the right side of his chest and 450cc from the left. I also excised a total of 55 grams of glandular tissue from the right and 53 grams from the left. His goal was to have a “normal-looking chest.
by DLM Admin | Apr 22, 2022
This 26-year-old man is 6′ and 250lbs. He suffers from pseudogynecomastia which has caused him severe embarrassment over the years. He underwent glandular excision, along with suction-assisted lipectomy of the abdomen, flanks and chest, from which I extracted a total of 6750cc of fat.