You may be aware by reading the forums on this site that some patients have complications with their gynecomastia surgery. There are several precautions that male breast reduction patients can take to minimize their risk factors. Why Smoking Threatens the Gynecomastia Patient?
Probably the most important step for a successful surgery is to pick the right surgeon. Be sure to select a surgeon that is not only Board Certified in Plastic Surgery, but one who also specializes in gynecomastia surgery. Get more than one consultation, be sure to look at multiple before and after pictures of the surgeon’s patients, and read online reviews of each doctor.
The surgeon that you select will most likely have extensive pre and post-operative instructions for you to follow. For example, there will be many supplements, herbs, medications and vitamins that you need to avoid for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. The reason you need to discontinue these items is because they contain blood thinners. If the blood is too thin and does not clot easily, you may end up with a bleeding problem or a hematoma which may require an additional procedure to get it under control.
If gynecomastia patients understands the reason for certain precautions, they may be more likely to follow the surgeon’s warning. Cigarette smoking can be dangerous to patients. Most surgeons will not perform surgery until the patient has stopped smoking for a minimum of two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. Smoking is extremely addictive and trying to quit can be quite challenging, patients may be tempted to have just one cigarette here and there. Unfortunately, all it takes is just one cigarette to put a patient in jeopardy.
Hopefully by explaining how smoking interferes with surgery and healing, patients will be motivated to abstain or postpone surgery until smoking is not an issue.
Cigarettes contain hundreds of ingredients, many of which are poisonous. Along with nicotine, there is carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, and hydrogen cyanide, just to name a few. Oxygen is the basis for wound healing by repairing and building cells; oxygen also carries medications and antibiotics to the affected area. Smoking will deprive the body of oxygen by narrowing the blood vessels.
WebMD offers different approaches to help smokers to quit. Talk to your surgeon who may have suggestions such as; prescription medications like Chantix. The goal of gynecomastia surgery could be a great reward for yourself once you have stopped smoking.