You probably love breasts, as long as you’re not the one sporting them. More and more men are lining up to get rid of their man boobs or “moobs.”

When The Bench Press Isn’t Enough To Reduce The Moobs

If those hours of cardio and bench-presses don’t seem to be helping, perhaps you might have a medical issue. Meet clinical gynecomastia, the enemy of every guy’s dream chest. It can result from a hormonal imbalance or elevated levels of estrogen and lowered levels of testosterone. It’s usually not a serious problem and may go away on its own.

However, if you think you have man-boobs gynecomastia and it continues to persist, you should visit a doctor. If it’s not your chest that’s bothering, it must be your gut. The trouble with trying to lose weight is the whole process can be pretty stressful when it’s not working out – and stress actually sparks cravings for carbohydrate-rich snack foods.

Despite your best efforts, areas such as the hips, buttocks, and thighs are more resistant to weight loss, which is usually more obvious on the face and upper body. In addition, fat can be unevenly distributed causing certain areas to be more out of proportion than others.

RELATED: Why Are Man-boobs Becoming More Common?

Dr. Delgado Bio


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.