Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast reduction surgery, can be a life-changing procedure for males living with excess tissue in their breasts. If you have decided to undergo gynecomastia surgery, you are probably wondering what your recovery period will look like. Read on to learn more about what to expect during male breast reduction, and how you can best increase your odds for the best results.

Male Breast Reduction Aftercare Basics

During your gynecomastia surgery, drains may be placed temporarily under the skin to drain away any excess blood or fluid that may collect. When you wake up from anesthesia, your drains will already be placed and will need to be kept in place for a set amount of time. Dr. Delgado will give you instructions on how to empty your drains at home and let you know when it’s time to remove your drains.

You will also be asked to wear a special compression garment to help support your new chest contour. Be sure to follow Dr. Delgado’s specific instructions regarding protective and compression garments. Dressings or bandages will be applied to your incisions and a support garment may be used to help minimize swelling.

You may also be prescribed pain medication to help with any initial discomfort. It is important that you take your medication as prescribed and do not deviate from that prescription.

Exercise Following Gynecomastia Surgery

Many patients are eager to know when they can return to their workout routines. While post-surgery requirements previously prescribed six weeks of downtown, newer methods allow for patients to return to their regular routines quicker. When returning to exercise following surgery, go slow to minimize the risks of complications.

For at least one month following your surgery, avoid chest and arm exercises or any strenuous exercise that strains the treatment area. You may feel free to start light lower body exercises such as light cardio or using a Peloton. Do not push yourself and be sure to listen to your body. Be patient; you will be able to return to your routine soon. Most patients can return to exercise including upper body weights after six weeks, but should slowly ease back into a routine.

Those with a desk job at home can often return to work after 3-4 days, and in the office after 5-7 days. You can return to driving a vehicle once you have completed taking pain medication. Drains will be removed after 3-4 days, after which you will become more mobile and can enjoy leaving the house to run short errands, go out to eat, etc. 

Signs to Look Out For 

While the chances for complications are greatly reduced when gynecomastia surgery is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Delgado, all forms of invasive surgery do come with certain risks. If you notice an abnormal amount of aching, discomfort, unusual pains, redness, shortness of breath, or an unusual heartbeat, seek immediate medical attention. Do not hesitate to reach out to our office if you have any questions or concerns.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about gynecomastia surgery in San Francisco and if you are an ideal candidate, please contact us today to fill out our online form. Your first step will be to schedule a one-on-one consultation appointment with Dr. Delgado. 

Male Breast Reduction Surgery FAQs

What is the cost of male breast reduction surgery in San Francisco?

The cost of male breast reduction surgery may vary depending on a multitude of factors. If you are interested in learning more about male breast reduction cost in San Francisco, please contact Dr. Delgado’s office today.

Will Hormone Imbalances go away after male breast reduction?

If you have hormonal imbalances it is best to address those before gynecomastia surgery. This is because the surgery alone will not be able to correct hormonal imbalance.

What is glandular tissue in the breasts?

Glandular tissue in the breasts is the part of the breasts that are made up of lobules and ducts. Males with gynecomastia will have excess glandular tissue on their chest. Male breast reduction surgery can help to achieve a more masculine chest appearance.

Is a Surgical Procedure the Only Gynecomastia Treatment?

Males with gynecomastia that is not due to weight gain often see the best results with male breast reduction surgery. This procedure will remove excess glandular tissue to achieve a flatter chest contour.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Hormone imbalance, certain medications, anabolic steroids, and marijuana are all possible causes of true gynecomastia in males. Men who are overweight and have large male breasts due to excess fat in the chest area have “psuedogynecomastia”.

What Can I Expect During My Initial Consultation?

During your initial consultation, you will meet with Dr. Delgado in person or virtually. You will then discuss your gynecomastia concerns, why you desire male breast reduction in San Francisco, the ideal way to treat gynecomastia, your options for eliminating excess breast tissue, excess fat, and excess skin, and more. Dr. Delgado will work with you to determine the ideal surgical option to help you achieve a flatter, firmer male chest.

Is the Male Breast Reduction Procedure Plastic Surgery?

Yes, gynecomastia surgery is considered a plastic surgery procedure. When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Delgado, you can achieve amazing results. 


Dr. Delgado Bio


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.