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Does Finasteride Cause Gynecomastia?
Many men across the world suffer from enlarged breasts, which can cause self-consciousness and embarrassment. This condition, called gynecomastia, can be caused by many different factors, including medication. Read on to learn more about how the hair growth medication...
How to Avoid Scarring After Gynecomastia Surgery
When men are looking into gynecomastia surgery for a more masculine-looking chest, one of the most common concerns is what their scar might look like following the procedure. In many cases, incisions are necessary to adequately remove glandular tissue, skin, and fat...
Steroids And Gynecomastia: Prevention And Treatment For Enlarged Male Breasts
It’s not just pubescent teens or overweight adults who develop the often-embarrassing symptoms of gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement. Additionally, a surprising group of people who develop breast tissue are some of the fittest people alive, bodybuilders. This is...
How to Avoid a Botched Gynecomastia Surgery
When it comes to surgery to restore a more masculine appearance to your chest, many things can go wrong if your surgeon isn't experienced in this specific condition. If you're not working with a qualified and experienced doctor, you could end up with unsatisfying...
What is Bodybuilder Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia can affect any man, regardless of age or even body fat percentage. One group that is often negatively affected by gynecomastia are bodybuilders or people striving for a lean, muscular body. As people who care greatly about the way their body looks,...
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