Man boobs aka gynecomastia may seem like a joke to many. However, for the 3 in 10 men who suffer from this condition, the term man boobs hits too close to home. Truth is, gynecomastia isn’t merely an aesthetic issue that is a deterrent to that firm and a chiseled body that every man dreams of, but instead, maybe an indication of serious underlying health issues.
So, for a condition with such a serious undertone, gynecomastia may not be something to be joked about. Yet, little light has been shed on the facts behind gynecomastia, and it is high time we cleared the cloud of myths surrounding this condition. Just what are the causes behind gynecomastia?
How can we rid ourselves of this dreadful condition?
Is gynecomastia a condition that is curable?
The truth versus the myth. Today, we tell it all.
Gynecomastia Myth #1: Excess Fat Is The Culprit Behind Man Boobs
One common myth that surrounds gynecomastia is that only very overweight men are inflicted by this condition. It is true to a certain extent that excess fat can indeed make a man’s breasts more significant, however, fat alone isn’t the cause of the condition. Gynecomastia is more than just a result of developing fat in the chest region, but rather a development of breast tissue in the chest area.
Fact: Hormones Play A Significant Part
One of the main culprits behind gynecomastia is the imbalance of hormones. With testosterone levels in a man’s decreases and an increase in estrogen levels, a man is more likely to develop breast tissue. It is the increasing development of breast tissue that ultimately causes the condition of gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia Myth #2: Man Boobs Is Not Caused By External Factors
Many assume that gynecomastia is caused by genetics or an unhealthy diet. However, there are several external factors that many are unaware of, that can encourage the development of this aesthetic condition.
Fact: With the myriad of negative consequences that alcohol consumption brings about, alcohol is unsurprisingly connected with gynecomastia, and many may not be aware of this.
More than just alcohol, some medications also contribute to gynecomastia such as medications for enlarged prostate, antibiotics, antidepressants, and heart conditions. Also, men who have endocrine problems are likewise susceptible to the gynecomastia condition in men as it can result in the development of breast tissue.
Gynecomastia Myth #3: Steroids Can Help To Eliminate Gynecomastia
We all know that increased levels of estrogen in men are one of the leading causes of gynecomastia. So what better way to counter the growing female hormone than to pile on more male hormones to cancel out estrogen? With steroids containing high levels of testosterone, it only makes sense to reach out for steroids to combat this hormonal imbalance situation. All these are logical right? Wrong!
Fact: In fact, the misuse of steroids is one of the main triggers for male breast enlargement.
This is because, each time you stop taking steroids, your body experiences a fluctuation in your testosterone levels and ultimately contributes to a temporary increase in your estrogen levels. It is in such circumstances that ultimately results in the development of fat in the chest area. Thus, taking steroids has a reverse effect on breast reduction, and you may experience gynecomastia from steroids.
Gynecomastia Myth #4: Exercise Can Make The Breasts Go Away
Many assume that increasing the amount of exercise or performing certain types of exercises that focus on the toning of the chest area will help to resolve the gynecomastia condition. However, that just is not the case. As man boobs are the development of breast tissue and not just fat, there is no way to burn off the extra tissue through exercise. Even if the enlarged breasts were only made up of fats, exercise is still not the only means to resolve gynecomastia as performing a series of exercises and expecting to see a significant reduction in fat in one part of the body only is impossible.
Fact: Surgery is actually one of the best options when it comes to solving gynecomastia.
In situations where hormonal imbalance conditions cannot be resolved with medication, gynecomastia surgery is the best bet to remove the enlarged man breasts. A gynecomastia surgery tweaks according to the differing conditions. A man with limited breast tissue but a substantial amount of extra fat in the chest area is a patient who will most likely benefit from liposuction.
However, should the patient have more breast tissue than fat, liposuction is first performed to remove the fat, followed by the cutting away of the breast tissue, through an incision made near the armpit or nipple. For the most severe cases of gynecomastia, a combination of liposuction, removal of the breast tissue as well as a breast lift is done to remove any excess, loose skin, giving the chest a tighter and masculine appearance.
Gynecomastia Myth #5: Man Boobs Will Come Back Again
Many are afraid that the gynecomastia condition will come back to haunt them again after their surgery and are thus unwilling to fix the condition with surgery. However, that cannot be further from the truth.
Fact: In truth, once a gynecomastia surgery is performed, the enlarged breasts will be taken care of permanently.
A man boobs procedure ensures that this condition is fixed forever. Although there may be still slight chances of a recurrence in very few people, these conditions are anomalies as the breast tissue is removed during a gynecomastia surgery, thereby solving the root of the problem.
Gynecomastia Myth #6 – Gynecomastia Is A Condition That Is Difficult To Treat
Many think that gynecomastia requires a tricky procedure and thus do not view it as a condition that can be gotten rid of. Furthermore, there are also individuals who aren’t aware that there are procedures that can treat this condition. As such, many who suffer from gynecomastia live with the condition in silence and have their self-confidence plummet.
Fact: Truth is, gynecomastia is a condition that you truly don’t have to endure a lifetime.
Contrary to popular belief, gynecomastia is actually a very treatable condition, and it typically produces excellent results. Should lifestyle, diet, or medical changes not be able to resolve your condition, there is still an option on the table – gynecomastia surgery aka male breast reduction surgery. In fact, gynecomastia surgery is one of the most effective ways to successfully eradicate the male breast condition as excess breast tissues are removed during this procedure, instantly giving you the flat and taut appearance of the chest.
Gynecomastia surgery requires a doctor who is not only adept in this area but is also able to give you the best advice from years of experience. It is also essential to choose a doctor who shares your vision so as for you to achieve the chest that you have always wanted.
Gynecomastia, also derisively called “man boobs” by some is a condition that causes male breasts to swell and become larger than normal. It can affect one or both breasts and can a toll on a male’s self-esteem. If you are a male and are unhappy with the way your chest looks and the way it makes you feel, there are options for treatment. Now is the time to arm yourself with information in order to find the right surgeon to help take care of the issue.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is not simply an abundance of fat in the chest area that liposuction can deal with effectively. Fat is just the half of it. The other half is the breast gland itself. Yes, men have glandular tissue in the chest that can respond to hormone changes and increase in size. In rare cases, the glandular tissue of the male breast can even develop breast cancer just as it can in women.
Surgery to correct gynecomastia is becoming more and more popular for men. However, in monitoring question-and-answer sites like, it is evident that men are reporting disappointing results from their surgery. To properly address gynecomastia, attention must be paid to both the fatty and glandular components of the condition. Liposuction alone can address the fat, but liposuction alone will not completely treat gynecomastia. The glandular component must also be removed to give satisfying results.
When meeting with a surgeon, ask him or her what the plan is to deal with the glandular tissue. The gland must be directly removed to completely treat gynecomastia. Typically, this entails an incision along the lower half of the nipple/areola complex (NAC). This allows access to the glandular tissue to be directly removed. The problem is, it can leave the NAC looking “operated on”. Effective, aesthetic treatment of true gynecomastia requires an experienced surgeon that is Board Certified by the Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Why Choose Dr. Delgado for Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
Dr. Delgado is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He has treated gynecomastia patients and all types of male breast enlargement for over 30 years and is dedicated to supporting adolescents and men across the globe. He aims to establish leading professional standards in gynecomastia care and treatment.
Schedule a Consultation
For personalized information about gynecomastia plastic surgery procedures, please complete Dr. Delgado’s inquiry form. Take the first step toward treating your gynecomastia today!
Gynecomastia FAQs
What Causes Excess Male Breast Tissue in Men?
There is an array of possible causes of gynecomastia, including hormonal imbalance, certain medications, thyroid disease, liver disease, alcoholism, adrenal tumors, anabolic steroids, and more.
Does Gynecomastia Cause Breast Pain?
Men and boys with gynecomastia can experience breast pain or sensitivity.
What is Drug Induced Gynecomastia?
This occurs when gynecomastia is the result of taking certain drugs or medications. Once a patient stops the medication that is the cause, gynecomastia may resolve on its own.
Who is at a Greater Risk to Develop Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is usually triggered by an imbalance in the hormones testosterone and estrogen. It is most often seen in newborn male babies, adolescent boys during puberty, and older men once their testosterone levels begin to decrease.
Being a parent, it is my responsibility to teach my kids to be confident and that confidence isn’t all about outward appearance. I am personally not a proponent of aesthetic plastic surgery for minors. But as a father of boys, I feel very empathetic towards boys and young men with gynecomastia. Breast reduction surgery is the only plastic surgery I perform on minors. If my boys are ever candidates for this procedure and have the desire, I would fully support their decision, even as teens, to have gynecomastia surgery.
About Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia, sometimes referred to derisively as ‘man-boobs’, is endemic in the United States. While gynecomastia can be associated with excess body fat and obesity, many males I see for gynecomastia reduction surgery are not overweight. They simply have experienced the spontaneous proliferation of fibrous breast tissue on one or both sides of their chest, for reasons that medical science currently cannot fully explain. It has been found that some medications such as anti-anxiety medications, some antibiotics, certain heart medications, cancer treatments, anabolic steroids (which can lead to hormonal imbalance), and more. In these cases, the dosing of the medication may need to be adjusted or the medication stopped altogether.
For younger boys and teens that are living with gynecomastia, the issue of excess breast tissue can create a vicious cycle of self-consciousness and social withdrawal. With breast area enlargement due to excess glandular tissue, a boy can gradually become insecure about his appearance without a shirt or even in tighter clothing (such as workout clothing). In these situations, I have seen males begin to avoid social situations in which their chest appearance is obvious (the gym, the pool, pickup games), and sometimes come to avoid sporting activities altogether. This can potentially damage their psychosocial development and has a profoundly negative effect on their sense of well-being and quality of life.
An Increase In Gynecomastia Cases
There are many theories as to why there has been such a dramatic increase in the incidence of gynecomastia over the last few decades. Some believe it is because of the increase of pro-estrogenic hormones and chemical compounds such as antibiotics in meat and dairy products, and/or chemicals that we are exposed to in the environment (building materials, flame retardants, pesticides, etc.). No one can be absolutely certain what has caused the significant increase in gynecomastia, but I see enough gynecomastia patients with a normal body weight to know for certain that it is not simply due to the rising incidence of obesity.
As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I have experience performing many different plastic surgery procedures. I have noticed that Gynecomastia patients are among the happiest with their results. They are not only pleased with their more masculine chest appearance after male breast reduction surgery but also become more confident socially. The outcome of gynecomastia surgery can be truly life-changing, with young men immediately more socially confident and more socially active.
One very grateful set of parents recently shared with me that their son, who would never even remove his shirt around his family in the privacy of their home, was so happy with his improved appearance that he was frequently shirtless around the house, was back to hanging out with his buddies at the pool and was thinking of trying out for soccer for the upcoming school year. This kind of story is very typical of an adolescent male patient who has undergone gynecomastia surgery.
Gynecomastia Treatment
If you or your son is struggling with the excess tissue on his breasts, please do not hesitate to reach out to me today. I have ample experience performing minimally invasive male breast reduction surgery as well as other gynecomastia surgery techniques to correct the symptoms associated with gynecomastia. During this procedure, I will remove the enlarged male breast glands, as well as contour the chest area to achieve a more masculine-looking, sculpted chest.
Schedule a Gynecomastia Surgery Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction surgery) to improve the appearance of the male chest, contact my office today. I will be happy to speak with you about your male breast concerns and goals during a male breast reduction surgery consultation.
Gynecomastia specialists’ see too often the cases of male breast reduction done by less experienced surgeons. Many gynecomastia revision cases are necessary because the primary surgeon removed too much fat and tissue leaving a “crater deformity,” or in some cases, not removing enough tissue. A large percentage of revision cases are due to liposuction alone being performed, and there is breast tissue left behind.
How many cases does the surgeon do in a year? It should be in the hundreds.
There should be available an extensive photo gallery of before and after surgery.
Custom Plan For Your Body Type
Gynecomastia surgery is very complex; each patient needs to have a surgery plan based on their unique case. For example, bodybuilders do not need removal of excess fat or skin. However, they can be at a higher risk for bleeding due to an increase in blood flow in the chest muscles that are highly developed.
What to Avoid
Beware of advertised discounts and specials on surgery fees. Specialists have devoted many years to perfecting their skills. Specialists are in high demand; they do not need to “reduce” their fees to attract new patients. Unless they should get an unavoidable cancellation, you may find that you have to wait a few months to get on their surgery schedule. But it will be worth the wait, avoid the possibility of gynecomastia revision surgery which will compromise your results and add additional fees. Remember you get what you pay for.
Breast asymmetry is unevenness of the breasts, meaning one breast is larger than the other breast. In men, gynecomastia may present in one breast known as unilateral, or gynecomastia may be present in both breast, known as bilateral. The most common gynecomastia diagnosis is when it occurs in both breast at different degrees, this is known as bilateral asymmetry. Glandular tissue can affect the appearance of the size and shape of the breast. The glandular tissue in combination with the breast tissue can change the appearance of the breast, including larger areola in diameter as well as protrusion.
In many cases, men that are suffering with gynecomastia develop insecurities. The insecurities can often lead to low Self Esteem, Depression and social anxiety. This can often interfere with their personal relationships, or in some cases, their day to day relationships.
No two breast are the same. In both men and women, breast will differ in size and shape. In most cases difference is slight and not noticeable to the eye. The degree of the asymmetry can vary in each individual. A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will do an exam on the patient to determine if they are a candidate as well as determine the asymmetry of the gynecomastia. A procedure plan must be discussed between the individual and the surgeon prior to having surgery.
The asymmetry conditions can often be corrected to some degree in surgery. It is important to be informed of the realistic expectations from the surgery. Individuals should feel that they have been fully informed and educated by their Plastic Surgeon.
Gynecomastia Correction surgery includes removing both the glandular tissue as well as the fatty breast tissue. When removing the breast tissue, this gives the surgeon the opportunity to equal out the symmetry of the breast. This may include removing more tissue from the larger breast to create the same measurements as the smaller breast. This will give an overall appearance of even and symmetric breast.
Do your research on your surgeon, inquire on how many procedures they have performed and look at before and after photos. Realistic expectations are important. However, the most important thing is patient safety and satisfaction. It is highly recommended that you have a “Board Certified Plastic Surgeon”.