by Miguel Delgado, MD | Jun 5, 2019 | Causes

Gynecomastia (male breasts) is on the rise. The term gynecomastia (male breasts) is becoming more widely known, but the derogatory terms, i.e., man boobs, bitch tits, and moobs to name a few, are more descriptive and hit home with a lot of men.
Excess breast tissue is a result for men who have a hormonal imbalance. The National Institute of Health states that 65% of men will be affected at some stage in their life with some form of gynecomastia. It used to be that most men seeking male breast reduction surgery were bodybuilders who used steroids, male models, and the aging male.
Since the ‘70s and ‘80s, there has been a gradual decline of testosterone in men. And since 1980 testosterone levels in men has dropped 25%. Chances of developing diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and gynecomastia double when testosterone levels decline.
Why are Testosterone Levels in Men Dropping?
Researchers are trying to determine why estrogen levels in men are increasing, and testosterone is decreasing by looking at current lifestyles.
You may have heard the warnings about Bisphenol A (BPA) and that it is something you want to avoid. BPA is a chemical that hardens plastic. The chemical is everywhere; in fact, 90% of us have some in our bodies now. BPA can be in plastic containers and bottles that hold food and beverages. The FDA believed that BPA was safe until 2010 when studies showed the chemical might be risky. BPA can alter your natural hormone balance; it is linked to many health issues, including gynecomastia.
How to Avoid BPA
Many products now claim to be BPA free as consumer awareness increases. It is advisable to store food in glass, stainless steel, or porcelain. When heating food in the microwave, do not use plastic as BPA can seep into food.
There may be BPA in the epoxy coatings in the lining of some canned foods; however, many manufacturers are removing BPA. It isn’t always noted if your canned goods are BPA free, you can check the color of the inside lining, if it is white it contains BPA, you want off white, copper color, reddish or yellow. Unfortunately, there have been instances of BPA found in some products that claim to be BPA free. For men who want to avoid BPA, it is better to eat fresh or frozen foods.
Is Soy Healthy?
Soy products have been considered a healthy food, but studies have shown significant amounts of soy may lead to gynecomastia. There was a story about a 60 year-old man with gynecomastia who was consuming 3 quarts of soy milk a day when he stopped on the advice of his endocrinologist, his man boobs disappeared. Different people have different reactions to soy; it is best to avoid any genetically modified organism (GMO) when purchasing soy; unfortunately, it is in the majority of soy products today.
Watch Your Hops!
Two alcoholic beverages a day can lower testosterone, and the hops in beer are known to contain estrogen. Not all hops are bad; it contains xanthohumol, which is known to have anti-clotting, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. Note that your body metabolizes alcohol first and then may store food as fat.
For more information on this subject, you may read the entire article here.
See Your Gynecomastia Specialist for Evaluation
While all the causes for gynecomastia are not known, your gynecomastia specialist will want to review with you your lifestyle, diet, medications, and even hygiene products to rule out some of the suspected triggers of man boobs.
by Miguel Delgado, MD | Aug 14, 2015 | Causes

Gynecomastia, or the development of breasts in males, can be caused by a number of different things. Taking antipsychotics such as Risperdal can produce the condition. Male breasts can develop in both boys and men. Enlargement can vary from patient to patient, but generally men end up with breasts that look very close to that of a female.
Those who develop the condition from prescription medications can develop both fatty tissue in the chest area, and extra glandular tissue. While the medications that can produce the side effect of Gynecomastia are known as antipsychotics, they can trigger depression and anxiety in young boys, or men who develop breasts and become the targets of bullies. The FDA approved Risperdal also to treat anxiety and depression, but once becoming aware of the fact it’s the medication causing them to grow breasts, most won’t take it anymore, rendering it not only useless but harmful to them.
Risperdal, a pharmaceutical medication produced by Johnson and Johnson, is known for blocking dopamine while heightening prolactin levels. Prolactin is a hormone released by the pituitary gland. For women, prolactin stimulates breast growth and milk production. When the level of prolactin in males becomes too high, it can produce effects similar to those that are experienced by women, and result in gynecomastia. In some unfortunate and extreme cases, males who have taken Risperdal and developed gynecomastia because of its use have developed D-cup size breasts. Lactation has also been noted in some cases of gynecomastia.
Breast reduction is a term most generally applied to women. However, most males who develop noticeable female-like breasts (gynecomastia) choose to opt for a reduction. Patients with gynecomastia choose to get their chest reduced for a number of reasons, to feel better, to look ‘normal’ again, and if they’re younger (or even older) so they won’t be teased by bullies who don’t understand their condition. Gynecomastia is very serious and can cause damage not only physically, but mentally to whoever it affects.
Many times, breast reduction may only be necessary in extreme cases. In a lot of the milder cases, patients are able to discontinue the use of Risperdal, and swelling may start to dissipate. There are plenty of antipsychotics on the market that do not produce excess prolactin, and are much safer to use. The combination of ending the use of Risperdal and using a safer medication may be enough to treat the condition in milder cases. If however, chest size has not reduced within a year of stopping Risperdal’s use, patients with larger, unwanted breasts may want to contact a doctor and speak with them about the possibility of surgery (breast reduction.)
by Miguel Delgado, MD | Dec 3, 2012 | Causes
Gynecomastia is a condition that is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body. While it can develop at puberty for boys, it may or may not resolve itself by adulthood. Specific prescriptions, illegal drugs, or medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, or cirrhosis of the liver can cause gynecomastia.
As the use of antipsychotic medications in children has become more common, doctors have seen an increase in cases of gynecomastia. Specifically, Risperdal® (risperidone) has been seen to cause gynecomastia in some children and teens that use the drug for behavior issues.
Currently, there is a movement to petition the FDA to ban Risperdal® for use in children and youn7g adults. The petition claims that long-term results have not been studied sufficiently to allow the drug to be used with these patients.
While drugs can cause gynecomastia, there is no drug to reverse the condition. Patients find that diet and exercise often have no effect and can make the condition appear worse by enlarging the chest. In many cases, plastic surgery is the only answer to resolve the condition.
Plastic surgeons often use a combination of liposuction and surgical excision of glandular tissue to correct gynecomastia, depending on the extent of the patient’s problem. Surgery is usually done under general anesthesia and takes about an hour to complete.
The majority of patients describe their recovery as uncomfortable rather than painful. They say they imagined it was going to be worse and compared it to the muscle ache experienced after a difficult gym workout. Even though some bruising and swelling after surgery is normal, most men notice an immediate improvement in their chest contouring.