Will Your “Man Boobs” Come Back After Gynecomastia Surgery?

Will Your “Man Boobs” Come Back After Gynecomastia Surgery?

The primary concern regarding gynecomastia surgery is often the longevity of the results. Patients want to know whether or not gynecomastia surgery will provide them with permanent relief from gynecomastia symptoms, such as excess male breast tissue. Fortunately, the results of gynecomastia surgery are permanent, and below, we’ll tell you exactly why.

What is Gynecomastia?

First, let’s begin by touching on gynecomastia. This condition causes excess male breast tissue, resulting in enlarged breasts, or “man boobs”. It is often caused by an imbalance in hormone levels, which often occurs during puberty. However, gynecomastia can affect males of any age.

The Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

Unlike most body contouring procedures, which target stubborn fat, gynecomastia surgery is actually removing glandular tissue. When fat cells are removed, fat can easily reaccumulate if a patient doesn’t maintain healthy lifestyle habits. But the tissue that is removed will not grow back. The appearance of “man boobs” is caused by excess breast tissue in the chest, not the presence of fat cells. So, when this tissue is removed via gynecomastia surgery, it permanently removes it from the body, along with excess skin, and provides a long-lasting sculpted appearance.

After Your Gynecomastia Surgery

Keep in mind that the results from your gynecomastia surgery will largely be reliant on how you handle your recovery period and your lifestyle following treatment. While gynecomastia can permanently eliminate excess breast tissue, it cannot prevent the accumulation of fat in the chest and surrounding areas. You need to be aware that future weight gain may cause body fat accumulation in the chest where gynecomastia once affected you. Fortunately, as this is just fat-related weight gain, it can be more easily eliminated with diet and gynecomastia exercise when necessary.

Do I Need Gynecomastia Surgery?

The first step in determining if you need gynecomastia surgery is determining whether your symptoms are actually gynecomastia-related. If so, you’ve probably noticed that your chest remains unchanged despite diet and exercise habits. If you merely have stubborn fat in the chest, there may be other treatment options, including non-surgical ones, that will be more suitable than gynecomastia surgery. In cases where the appearance of man boobs is a result of gynecomastia and the buildup of fatty tissue and glandular tissue in the chest, gynecomastia surgery is often the best course of treatment to produce the desired chest contours.

Schedule a Consultation

Are you ready to treat your enlarged male breast tissue once and for all? If you are interested in learning more about male breast reduction surgery, please contact Dr. Delgado today. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, he is highly skilled in performing male breast reduction surgery on patients of all backgrounds to help improve their quality of life. Dr. Delgado has two convenient locations in Novato, CA, and San Francisco, CA.


Anesthesia for Gynecomastia Surgery: Local, IV Sedation, and General Anesthesia

Anesthesia for Gynecomastia Surgery: Local, IV Sedation, and General Anesthesia

When undergoing any type of surgical procedure, anesthesia will be used to keep the patient comfortable and allow for a safe procedure. Read on to learn more about the anesthesia options used for male breast surgery.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes enlarged male breasts in both boys and men. Male breast enlargement can be caused by a range of factors, including hormonal imbalance, certain medications, illegal drugs, and more.

It is important to understand the difference between true gynecomastia and pseudo-gynecomastia. While true gynecomastia is caused by an increase in glandular tissue and breast tissue, pseudo-gynecomastia is primarily caused by excess fatty tissue to weight gain.

The most effective solution for true gynecomastia is gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery. This procedure can be performed under a number of different types of anesthesia. Read on to learn more.


Types of Anesthesia

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia causes patients to fall into a sleep-like state with the use of a combination of medicines. This type of anesthesia is performed with an endotracheal tube or a laryngeal mask, also called an LMA. This is a lighter form of general anesthesia. It is considered a safe form of anesthesia for those without serious health conditions.

Local Anesthesia

This type of anesthesia is used to numb a specific area of the body and contains an infiltration of lidocaine, marcaine, epinephrine, and bicarbonate. Unlike general anesthesia, local anesthetics do not cause you to lose consciousness. Because of this, they are generally safer, and are associated with quicker recovery.

IV (Intravenous) Sedation

IV sedation refers to the administering of medication through the blood. Sedation relaxes you and sometimes makes you fall asleep. This type of sedation is often used for shorter, less complex procedures.

Determining Your Anesthesia for Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Dr. Delgado performs the majority of male breast reduction surgery under light general anesthesia. This is because it gives him total control during surgery and keeps the patient comfortable, as well as avoids excess bleeding for the best outcomes.

The best way to determine which anesthesia option is best for you is to discuss your procedure with a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Delgado during a consultation appointment.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are tired of living with gynecomastia and are seeking male breast reduction treatment, please contact Dr. Delgado in San Francisco, CA today! You can give us a call or fill out our online contact form to get started.

What are the 7 Types of Gynecomastia?

What are the 7 Types of Gynecomastia?

Boys and males who suffer from enlarged male breasts often have a condition called gynecomastia. This condition is not life-threatening but can take a negative toll on the mental health of those living with it. Gynecomastia can actually be divided up into seven different types. Read on to learn more about these types and the best gynecomastia treatment option.

True Gynecomastia

True gynecomastia is caused by excess breast tissue and glandular tissue, causing large male breasts. This cannot be resolved with weight loss alone, and gynecomastia surgery is the only long-term solution.

Adult Gynecomastia

Adult gynecomastia usually affects men around the age of 50, because this is when “male menopause” begins, resulting in a decrease in testosterone production. In fact, one in four men will develop gynecomastia symptoms between the ages of 50 and 80. However, adult gynecomastia may also be the result of untreated adolescent gynecomastia.

Adolescent Gynecomastia

Adolescent gynecomastia affects teenagers due to a hormone imbalance caused by puberty. The most common symptoms include tenderness in the chest area, nipple soreness and sensitivity, a small lump beneath the nipple, and a puffy or shiny look to the nipple. If left untreated, this condition may follow patients into their adult years.

Medication-Induced Gynecomastia

In some cases, gynecomastia can be caused by certain prescription medications. The most common medications associated with gynecomastia include those for high blood pressure, ulcers, antidepressants, HIV, and prostate cancer. Illegal drugs that can lead to male breast growth include marijuana and heroin.

Steroid-Induced Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia can also be brought on by the use of anabolic steroids. This type is common among bodybuilders and athletes.

Severe Gynecomastia

Patients with severe gynecomastia will have severely large breasts and excess skin. Older men or those who are obese with diminished skin elasticity may experience this form of gynecomastia.


Pseudo-gynecomastia, or false gynecomastia, is the result of fatty tissue rather than glandular tissue and can often be resolved with weight loss.

Gynecomastia Treatment Options

The best way to treat gynecomastia is with male breast reduction surgery. During this surgical procedure, Dr. Delgado will remove excess glandular tissue, remove excess breast tissue, and eliminate excess fat with liposuction techniques for a more masculine chest contour. He will create a personalized treatment plan for you that includes the best incision patterns and liposuction technique to help you reach your body goals.

This is an outpatient procedure, which means that you can return home to heal. You will need to wear a special compression garment during healing to reduce swelling and support your new chest contour. Also, be sure to follow Dr. Delgado’s instructions regarding pain medication for proper healing.

Schedule a Consultation for Gynecomastia Surgery in San Francisco

If you are bothered by enlarged male breasts, please do not hesitate to contact board-certified plastic surgeon, Miguel Delgado, MD. To schedule a one-on-one consultation regarding the male breast reduction treatment, please contact our San Francisco office today by giving us a call or filling out our online form.

What to Expect During Your Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

What to Expect During Your Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast reduction surgery, can be a life-changing procedure for males living with excess tissue in their breasts. If you have decided to undergo gynecomastia surgery, you are probably wondering what your recovery period will look like. Read on to learn more about what to expect during male breast reduction, and how you can best increase your odds for the best results.

Male Breast Reduction Aftercare Basics

During your gynecomastia surgery, drains may be placed temporarily under the skin to drain away any excess blood or fluid that may collect. When you wake up from anesthesia, your drains will already be placed and will need to be kept in place for a set amount of time. Dr. Delgado will give you instructions on how to empty your drains at home and let you know when it’s time to remove your drains.

You will also be asked to wear a special compression garment to help support your new chest contour. Be sure to follow Dr. Delgado’s specific instructions regarding protective and compression garments. Dressings or bandages will be applied to your incisions and a support garment may be used to help minimize swelling.

You may also be prescribed pain medication to help with any initial discomfort. It is important that you take your medication as prescribed and do not deviate from that prescription.

Exercise Following Gynecomastia Surgery

Many patients are eager to know when they can return to their workout routines. While post-surgery requirements previously prescribed six weeks of downtown, newer methods allow for patients to return to their regular routines quicker. When returning to exercise following surgery, go slow to minimize the risks of complications.

For at least one month following your surgery, avoid chest and arm exercises or any strenuous exercise that strains the treatment area. You may feel free to start light lower body exercises such as light cardio or using a Peloton. Do not push yourself and be sure to listen to your body. Be patient; you will be able to return to your routine soon. Most patients can return to exercise including upper body weights after six weeks, but should slowly ease back into a routine.

Those with a desk job at home can often return to work after 3-4 days, and in the office after 5-7 days. You can return to driving a vehicle once you have completed taking pain medication. Drains will be removed after 3-4 days, after which you will become more mobile and can enjoy leaving the house to run short errands, go out to eat, etc. 

Signs to Look Out For 

While the chances for complications are greatly reduced when gynecomastia surgery is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Delgado, all forms of invasive surgery do come with certain risks. If you notice an abnormal amount of aching, discomfort, unusual pains, redness, shortness of breath, or an unusual heartbeat, seek immediate medical attention. Do not hesitate to reach out to our office if you have any questions or concerns.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about gynecomastia surgery in San Francisco and if you are an ideal candidate, please contact us today to fill out our online form. Your first step will be to schedule a one-on-one consultation appointment with Dr. Delgado. 

Male Breast Reduction Surgery FAQs

What is the cost of male breast reduction surgery in San Francisco?

The cost of male breast reduction surgery may vary depending on a multitude of factors. If you are interested in learning more about male breast reduction cost in San Francisco, please contact Dr. Delgado’s office today.

Will Hormone Imbalances go away after male breast reduction?

If you have hormonal imbalances it is best to address those before gynecomastia surgery. This is because the surgery alone will not be able to correct hormonal imbalance.

What is glandular tissue in the breasts?

Glandular tissue in the breasts is the part of the breasts that are made up of lobules and ducts. Males with gynecomastia will have excess glandular tissue on their chest. Male breast reduction surgery can help to achieve a more masculine chest appearance.

Is a Surgical Procedure the Only Gynecomastia Treatment?

Males with gynecomastia that is not due to weight gain often see the best results with male breast reduction surgery. This procedure will remove excess glandular tissue to achieve a flatter chest contour.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Hormone imbalance, certain medications, anabolic steroids, and marijuana are all possible causes of true gynecomastia in males. Men who are overweight and have large male breasts due to excess fat in the chest area have “psuedogynecomastia”.

What Can I Expect During My Initial Consultation?

During your initial consultation, you will meet with Dr. Delgado in person or virtually. You will then discuss your gynecomastia concerns, why you desire male breast reduction in San Francisco, the ideal way to treat gynecomastia, your options for eliminating excess breast tissue, excess fat, and excess skin, and more. Dr. Delgado will work with you to determine the ideal surgical option to help you achieve a flatter, firmer male chest.

Is the Male Breast Reduction Procedure Plastic Surgery?

Yes, gynecomastia surgery is considered a plastic surgery procedure. When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Delgado, you can achieve amazing results. 


How to Emotionally Support Someone with Gynecomastia

How to Emotionally Support Someone with Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes the abnormal enlargement of breast tissue in males. There are a variety of different triggers for gynecomastia, including hormonal imbalance, low testosterone, steroids, certain medications, and obesity. And while this condition is often seen as an aesthetic issue, is can actually have a psychological impact on men as well.

The Psychological Effects of Gynecomastia on Teens

While gynecomastia is physically harmless, it can have a profound impact on the mental and emotional health of boys and men. Adolescent boys are most commonly affected by this condition, which can make them self-conscious about their already-changing bodies, often causing them to isolate themselves from social situations.

Many boys with gynecomastia avoid group activities, tend to dress in baggy clothes to cover their breasts, or avoid situations in which their chest may be exposed such as swimming. If left untreated, this social anxiety can lead to other psychological issues such as clinical depression, emotional isolation, and stress eating.

The Psychological Effects of Gynecomastia on Men

Gynecomastia can also affect men psychologically as well. Because the cause is often hormonal imbalances or low testosterone levels in adult men, this may lead to intimacy issues. Many men with gynecomastia avoid dating and live with a deep fear of rejection or humiliation due to their gynecomastia. Men who suffered from untreated gynecomastia-based social anxiety as children will continue to deal with the effects as they age, which can sometimes lead to depression and other psychological disorders.

How to Support a Loved One with Gynecomastia

Thankfully, the internet nowadays provides many different avenues for men to learn more about their condition and the treatments available. There are also social groups online where men can chat about their gynecomastia symptoms. Gynecomastia awareness helps men and their loved ones to better understand this disorder, which is a vital step for their treatment. If you have a loved one who is living with gynecomastia, be ready to listen and be open to learning more about this condition. Also, if you and your loved one are discussing possible gynecomastia surgery, joining them on their visit to different surgeons can be great support.

Treatment Options for Gynecomastia

While some adolescent boys will notice that their gynecomastia will correct itself as their hormones stabilize, some boys will not “grow out” of their condition. Gynecomastia that is caused by hormonal imbalance can only be corrected with gynecomastia surgery to remove excess tissue. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Delgado has been successfully treating patients with gynecomastia symptoms for over 30 years. He specializes in performing male breast reduction surgery and revision gynecomastia surgery procedures to help males feel confident in their bodies.

Schedule a Consultation in San Francisco

If you are interested in learning more about gynecomastia surgery and if you are a candidate, please contact Dr. Delgado today to schedule a consultation appointment.