Gynecomastia Before and After
Gynecomastia Before and After 3
Robert D. Wilcox, M.D.
Plastic And Cosmetic Surgery Center of Texas
5316 W. Plano Pkwy. Plano, TX. 75093
Phone: 972-372-9313
Gynecomastia Before and After 3
Robert D. Wilcox, M.D.
Plastic And Cosmetic Surgery Center of Texas
5316 W. Plano Pkwy. Plano, TX. 75093
Phone: 972-372-9313
Nobody’s perfect. It’s normal to feel insecure about your body, or at least parts of it. Even the most confident of men experience the occasional “fat day”, or look in the mirror and think: “Who’s that uncle?”
If that’s happening to you more and more frequently, maybe it’s time to see a professional who can help you achieve your #bodygoals.Whether you’re already eating clean and working hard at the gym, yet not seeing results, or don’t see yourself giving up your long-term relationship with char kway teow and nasi lemak burgers, there are other ways to sculpt your physique.
The medical term for “man boobs” or “moobs” is gynecomastia. It’s a more common problem in Singapore than you’d expect.
The bad news: Being overweight may not be the main cause, which means that ramping up on exercise may not resolve the problem.
In fact, the swollen glands and fat deposits may be due to puberty, ageing, the side effects of certain medications or hormonal imbalance. You may even experience tenderness or pain in the area.
The good news? Gynecomastia surgery can end your pain and embarrassment. The surgery effectively reduces overly enlarged glandular tissues and/or excess fat tissues so that you can regain a more masculine physique.
A Gynecomastia Sufferer Spoke Up, Today is not an easy society to survive in.
From fierce job competition and the volatile nature of job stability, to the fear of being judged on both the superficial and personal levels, society today is a brutally tough crowd.
While women may find it easy to talk about their insecurities, the same unfortunately, cannot be said for the opposite gender. Males are stereotypically perceived as more ‘dominant’, and emotional insecurity can be unfairly judged as weakness. But that is not the case.
“I used to be a lot rounder in junior college,” Jun Jie shared. “And I would often skip out on physical activities as the white colour of my shirt would make my man boobs super obvious, especially when we were doing vigorous exercise.”
And although he has lost weight since then, he reveals that his male boobs never completely went away, and he still avoids wearing light coloured shirts.
Although many attribute these boobs to being ‘fat’, it can also be a health problem with pain in the chest area, and this pain can aggravate with age. One method guys could try would be to accept treatments.
Although surgery might sound like a drastic solution, it is actually a highly accepted solution in countries such as the US. Other surgery benefits also include a more well-defined chest area and fat reduction.
Gynecomastia is not just an aesthetic problem; it is a medical condition. Symptoms include tenderness around the breast, swelling of the breast gland tissue and more. The cause of the condition varies, and this includes hormonal imbalance and also from the side effects of certain medications.
Ageing is also a known cause of the condition. Gynecomastia during puberty is not uncommon, but if the problem persists into adulthood, surgical intervention is the recommended option.
• Reduces excess fat and overly enlarged glandular tissues
• Define masculine appearance on the chest area
For those who are overweight, it is to assume that they can lose the extra fat that is prevalent in the chest area with dieting and exercise, only to make things worse. The unflattering chest appearance became more noticeable.
Maintaining a healthy weight and body is always recommended.
If being overweight is an issue, do make an effort to lose the extra weight. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get rid of gynecomastia with exercise because the majority of the time, the problem is excess glandular tissue which no amount of exercise or healthy eating will eradicate.
In fact, many men have reported that as they lose weight, the gynecomastia actually looks worse because the fatty tissue around the gland shrinks and the gland subsequently stands out more, making the condition more prominent.
The more fat tissues you carry, the higher your chance of developing gynecomastia, so the problem is prevalent among overweight men. However, men who are in great shape do suffer from the condition as well because it is caused primarily by a hormone imbalance.
Gynecomastia is not just an aesthetic problem; it is a medical condition. Symptoms include tenderness around the breast, swelling of the breast gland tissue and more. The cause of the condition varies, and this includes hormonal imbalance and also from the side effects of certain medications.
Ageing is also a known cause of the condition. Gynecomastia during puberty is not uncommon, but if the problem persists into adulthood, surgical intervention is the recommended option.
Gynecomastia – often referred to as ‘man boob’s’ – is more common than you may think. Research from the New England Journal of Medicine has shown that it affects almost 70 percent of adolescent boys, and 65 percent of middle-aged and older men.
Gynecomastia refers to the medical condition where male breast tissues increase in size. Those suffering from gynecomastia have excess glandular tissue present, often as a result of hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance is one big factor. In short, testosterone controls male traits such as muscle mass and body hair, while oestrogen is responsible for female traits, including the growth of breasts. A common misconception is that oestrogen is an exclusively female hormone, but in fact, men also produce it in small quantities. When male oestrogen levels are too high, gynecomastia can occur.
While gynecomastia is naturally prominent during puberty due to changes in hormone levels, it can also be an indication of serious medical conditions such as testicular cancer. For most cases, the swollen breast tissue tends to go away without treatment within six months to two years. As for older men, the condition can peak again between the ages of 50 and 69; at least one out of four men in this age group is affected! Hormonal fluctuations as a result of health issues like kidney failure, liver problems and malnutrition, can also lead to gynecomastia.
You can use the gynecomastia pinch test method to determine whether you may suffer from gynecomastia. Use your fingertips to feel for soft, rubbery lumps in your breasts, or directly beneath the nipple area. It can develop in one or both breasts. The size of the lump varies and it may not be the same in both breasts. The swelling of the glandular breast tissue may result in soreness – especially when you press on the skin. If the pain or discomfort is significant, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible!